Preservation of the African people and the wildlife is paramount. At To Africa Tours and Safaris we offer you the opportunity to have some impact on conservation of both the people and the wildlife. From experience, we are confident that at the completion of this "once-in –a– lifetime experience", you will be linked to Africa by some special memories. You can secure these ties to the continent by donating to one of the foundations that To Africa Tours and Safari’s supports. We will assist you with your donation. Please visit our website to see some of the foundations we support. You can choose which one to adopt!!!
We have partnered with the following Organizations: (South Africa) based in Los Angeles, California
Orphans and Street Children's Care by Christian Women Care Group (Nairobi, Kenya) Staff of hope is about empowering people to help themselves. One of the most important ongoing missions of
Staff of Hope is the drilling of water wells. To date,
They have drilled 8 separate water wells all over
southern Kenya, from wells near the coast to far
inland. Each well serves an average of 300 families
and their cows, goats and sheep. The water drill
Staff of Hope uses is called a “percussion drill”,
which works by pounding a shaft through the
ground to the water. The average well drilling
employs a small Kenya crew and takes several
weeks to drill because they are in dry and remote
areas where the water is often 200 ft. or deeper.
Staff of Hope is in the process of evaluating better
drills that would work more quickly and get water to
people faster. We are hoping to be able to
purchase a rotary drill, which spins as it drills. The average time for a rotary drill is just a few days. They
hope to have this new drill in 2007, which would quadruple the numbers of wells we could drill in a year......... click on the button to see what staff of hope projects or visit the website
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